The Thunderbird
The Thunderbird is the official newsletter of Kawida Lodge #480. The editor is the elected Secretary with support from the Publications Committee, Digital Media Coordinator, and Secretary Adviser.
The Thunderbird is published four times a year. It contains articles submitted by lodge members which contain valuable information about lodge, section, region, and national events.
LEC Minutes
At every Lodge Executive Committee meeting, the Lodge Secretary takes minutes and tracks the operations of the LEC. An archive of past LEC minutes can be found here.
The Guide
Every Order of the Arrow lodge must have an adopted set of bylaws. Kawida Lodge’s bylaws are titled The Guide. This document lays out the structure, purpose, and operations of the Lodge, and is updated every few years.
Election Resources
Election resources are primarily intended for chapter use. This includes documents such as adult nomination forms, election reports, and a how-to guide on using Lodge Master Inductions.
Packing Lists
This page has documents to help you prepare for an OA event, whether it be an ordeal, a fellowship, or a work day.