The elected Lodge officers and Advisers that are in charge of the operation of the Lodge.
You can also find all the information about Kawida Lodge’s committees by going here.
The History of Kawida Lodge, Founded in 1952.
If you were elected by your unit and are now ready to seal your membership, go here for information.
If it has been 6 months since the date of your ordeal, go here for info about your next steps.
There are many ways to get involved from the chapter to the lodge level! Go here for more info.
The Gikino Ballet chapter serves the same area as the Shawnee District.
The Lenni Lenape chapter serves the same area as the Lake Cumberland District.
The Mischa Mokwa chapter serves the same area as the Mountain Laurel District.
The Tecumseh chapter serves the same area as the Elkhorn District.
The Tomahaken chapter serves the same area as the Lonesome Pine District.
The We-Ha-Li chapter serves the same area as the Palisades District.
The Thunderbird is Kawida Lodge’s Quarterly Newsletter. You can see past editions here.
Minutes are taken at all LEC meetings. An archive of LEC minutes can be found here.
Other Publications include Lodge resources, guidance documents, and Planbooks.
The guide is Kawida Lodge’s set of adopted bylaws; you can access the current bylaws here.
This includes election resources such as adult nomination forms, election reports, and a how-to guide on using LodgeMaster Inductions.
Here you can access packing lists for any event, including ordeals, fellowships, and work days.